Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Recovery Day 12

I've discovered a problem... I can't raise my voice without inducing a ridiculously awful spike in my headache pain! This will become a bigger problem when my mom leaves on Sunday. She's been AMAZING with the kids and has kept them busy enough that the potential problems created by our little humans have been kept to a minimum!
Glen Varga will be home for the most part throughout the rest of July, so he can play referee with the kids. But this ability to raise my voice has been a mommy super power!! And I'm not even talking about yelling. That's totally out of the question because I think the pain would kill me. But I've lost the power to use my voice to grab everyone's attention because someone is about to do something ridiculously dumb that will probably hurt someone/everyone else. Or to end a loud argument mid sentence because I say the mommy magic word that shuts everyone up immediately. Or to get all of the potential A/C drainers on hinges closed at once with just a few words projected loudly. And with four little humans, it's physically impossible to be in each of their spaces all the time so that we may converse at a below normal decibel level. And even if it were physically possible, that would be a disservice to my children who are learning degrees of independence as they are taught correct principals and expected to govern themselves.
Captain Von Trapp had the solution, but I'd need a whistle that requires minimal air power. Anyone have one of those?
In other news... That moment you realize your hair part for almost 13 years needs to switch sides to cover up a few newly-created bald spots.🤔 #hydrocephalus#failedETV #newshunt #firstworldproblems

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