Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Recovery Day 6

I'm feeling better and better every day! I still spend 90% of my time laying down or sitting up slightly, but at least my vision is just about back to normal and I can read for longer periods of time. My incisions are starting to itch like crazy, which tells me that they're healing nicely. We'll have the stitches removed in a few days. So my plan today is to simply take it easy and sleep and rest as much as I can. Life is good, my friends, and I finally got to wash my hair thoroughly this morning! .

I'm not happy about having a shunt again. At all. I've tried to cry over it but crying raises my blood pressure which raises my intracranial pressure which gives me the worst headache you can possibly imagine. SO, it's time to find the silver lining in the situation and here's part of it: I can hear my CSF draining through the shunt valve! It's SO weird and creepy because it sounds like a cockroach!! Not the scratching you hear in this video, but the vibrating noise it makes. Ewwww!!!! Haha!

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