Saturday, June 11, 2016

This is kind of getting old...

Day 47
I lost my patience yesterday afternoon and ended two calls when both office managers were mid sentence. They wouldn't let me speak to an actual nurse or PA or anyone who understands hydrocephalus and why it's a VERY big deal that the neurosurgeon know the severity of my symptoms. These ladies were trying to explain to me their office policy for the neurosurgeon they each represent. I've been listening to the same explanations for over a month and I was beyond done with the excuses. I enjoyed my righteous indignation for being so rude until I saw this inspirational message posted by another friend of mine. Instant humility check, right there.
So we obviously didn't make any progress yesterday except to be more clear about our options.
My surgery is scheduled for this Tuesday if...
(1) Our insurance company approves my neurosurgeon's single case agreement (a petition that makes him an in-network doctor for this one surgery). But his billing/insurance department haven't sent anything to my insurance company yet. Once they do, it can be approved rather quickly, but I'm losing hope that they'll get this approved on time.
(2) Gamble the cost of the neurosurgeon's fee (which would be quite the amount!) and fight insurance after the surgery. Everything else would be covered.
(3) Be admitted to the hospital through the emergency department Monday night or Tuesday morning and have the neurosurgeon bill the surgery as if I were a trauma patient. And truth be told, I think this is the plan we'll follow if my neurosurgeon isn't pre-approved. My insurance company told me that if this is the scenario, then he'd be considered in-network because it's an emergent surgery.
If ANYone else showed up to the ED with my symptoms and they did not have previous history with hydrocephalus, then they would take one look at the CT or MRI pictures, make note of the symptoms, and operate right away. My shunt failures were SO catastrophic that there was never any question I needed surgery. But the symptoms never had a chance to escalate to the ones I'm experiencing now with this ETV failure. My theory is that the neurosurgeon's don't feel a sense of urgency because I'm still coherent and able to walk and talk. Ridiculous, right?!!
If we choose NOT to do any of those three options, then we'd have to wait for neurosurgeon #2's office staff to get everything lined up for surgery and we have NO idea when that would be.
Thank you for your love and support my friends! I seriously can't imagine where I'd be emotionally and spiritually without all of your prayers, phone calls, texts, dinners, and FB posts/messages. We've GOT this!!
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